Here you will find a selection of strange example files for the inquisitive minds. They range from simple to egregiously complex. Please note that we recommend disabling your Grasshopper solver prior to loading the more complex examples. All files assume your Rhino units are set to inches.
Discover how to add post-tensioning to a beam.
Build your very own fortified water crossing with this parametric script.
Hold on tight as this stair handrail changes shape at the drag of a slider.
Learn how to create a parametric beam from shells and solids.
Generate a complex braided arch using solid pentahedrons.
Investigate the behavior of a perforated panel. Caution, this is a big little model!
See how compression-only soil springs are used when modeling a crash barrier.
Watch as an oddly-shaped high-rise climbs skyward.
Automate gravity member sizing in this basic building example.
Bolt two parts together with the mighty parametric bolt!